Monday, April 16, 2012

Non Traditional Art - Nimbus Clouds

I was using Stumbleupon the other day, the website that make me procrastinate even more, and I found this artist. I was completely BLOWN away. Berndnaut Smildeas, a dutch artist created something that is only seen in the skies. Clouds. WHAT THE HECK. 

With the right amount of smoke, moisture in the room and a specific temperature he was able to float clouds around empty rooms in a museum. This is something that takes alot of creativity in my opinion. Who sits down one day and just says " Today I will make a cloud". I think is just insane. I also think this takes alot of skill. I mean you are making a cloud. Even though he says that they do not last very long before disappearing altogether, this is something I would  kill to see in person. Just imagine sitting in a room filled with clouds. I would be in heaven... 


  1. What the Heck??!!!
    Amazing, right? and yes skill, but also vision.
    and one of the thing sto consider is htat is is so temporary. How long do the clouds last? minutes? hours? and then they're gone ...
    Nice work.
    You have earned 87 blog points; 100 = A

  2. Thanks for sharing this! Yes, this is quite amazing. How creative. How beautiful! Love your blog. :))
