Well over the summer I also got all of my friends addicted to it, we would play whenever we could and it sounds so dorky but it was alot of fun.
Monopoly is the game of Monopolies. "When it's your turn in MONOPOLY, you click the "Roll" button to roll the dice and move your MONOPOLY piece the number of spaces indicated on your roll. What happens next depends on the space you land on..."
The basic premise of the game is to buy properties you land on and get each one in that color code. When you have all two or three properties of the same color you can build houses and hotels on them, gaining or loosing more money as the game goes on.
Monopoly has expanded so much to different themed games. One of my favorites is Nintendo Monopoly. The board and pieces are so cool.
Well, when everyone went away to school we decided to take the game online, and we found a website that has an online Monopoly.
Pogo.com offers Monopoly World letting up to 4 people play the game at once. If you dont have 4 players you can play with the computer. The game is great and I have played for hours online. Its a great way to still play a game I love with my friends who are away at school.
When I was thinking of posts to do and what video games I play the most it didnt strike me that Monopoly could be something I could talk about. But its a virtual game in a sense an MMO and its great!
Here is a creepy video I found with a person playing it on youtube.
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