Monday, October 17, 2011

WORLD OF WARCRAFT- Creating A Character

*Like my last blog was not able to record due to running the game and the program made it extremely slow*

Im actually worried about writing this blog because I know its going to turn into something entirely to long. So im going to just post an intro to the game and maybe go more in depth next week.

Ah so my wonderful addiction World Of Warcraft! So im going to talk about the game as a beginner would see it, and how they would create and choose a character. But first here is an AMAZING Cinematic Trailer to the game that will want you to create an account RIGHT NOW!

Wasnt that just AMAZING!? I know, I know it should win awards just for that.

Well when your first download the game ( huge file + patches so if your downloading it for the first time be prepared!) you will be brought to this character customization screen:

From here you choose between Alliance (good) or Horde (bad). Each has its pros and cons, I always chose Alliance because im used to their gameplay and love their "zones" and major cities. One thing to note is you cannot communicate with the other faction. If you are Alliance your play with only Alliance not Horde.

So after you make that decision you choose the Race and Class. World of Warcraft has 8 original races ( Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Orc, Troll, Undead and Tauren) After its first expansion Burning Crusade they added in two new races (Dranei and Blood Elf) seen here:

And after its third expansion Cataclysm they added in two more races ( Worgen and Goblin )

After choosing what race you want you can choose what Class you want to play. You can pick from these 10 classes. 

Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Death Knight, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Druid. 

Each class has its pros and cons. Some can be Tanks - take alot of damage but dont put out much damage. Healers- Heal players, Damage - Offer high amounts of damage usually cant take much of a beating. There are also Hybrid classes where you can do all three. Here is a chart to better explain the roles of each class:

After choosing your race/class you can choose a Unique name that will be available to you as long as no one else on the server has it. 

Then you can enter the World! This game is great but very addictive! Next week Ill talk about its intro gameplay and a sort of beginners guide! Hope you go and sign up! 

1 comment:

  1. The trailermIS amazing andn now, yes, I do want to play. You decision to approach a game you know from different view points is a good idea, nice work Tom.
