Saturday, September 17, 2011

Pottermore! A Glimpse at Beta and some of my Thoughts!

Hey Guys!

So naturally I picked Pottermore for my first blog post.

Pottermore was just released  to Beta users who stayed up all night looking for clues on how to get in. Sadly yes that was me at 5am haha.

Well I have included a video of me just giving you an overview of what the site looks like and one of my favorite moments of it so far. Hope you enjoy it!

(Video is small click through to youtube to watch it bigger)

I hope you enjoyed my video of Pottermore! Now I just want to tell you some of my thoughts on it. 

First when it was being released and no one knew what it was, alot of people were assuming it was going to be an MMORPG. When I found this out I was almost in hysterics because I was so excited. When I first logged on and found it wasn't, I was kind of disappointed and unclear really what Pottemore was all about. 

After running through the Beta I can say I amextemely pleased and excited to see what is to come from this site. I can not wait to read more backstories and discover more things. 

Only JK Rowling would continue a series she finished by going back and filling in pieces her fans were wondering about, she truly loves her fans.

I can not wait for more of Pottermore to be released, they have me holding on to the little they have showed us and we are thrilled! Hope you liked my glimpse at Pottermore and some of my interesting thoughts! 

See you next time! 

1 comment:

  1. Continue your discussion about Pottermore... and I want you to take me on a tour of it
